Monday, June 17, 2019

Persuasive Writing - Homework

WALT use the correct structure and language for Persuasive Writing.
Learning is important.
We need to learn at school and at home.
I think we should do homework every day.
Firstly I think we should do homework because
it can grow our brain smarter
because homework is good.
Secondly I think we should do homework
so that we can get 100% in our spelling.
Thirdly,  I think we should do homework
because it can help me get up, up, up
in my reading, writing, and spelling.
So that is why I think we should do

homework every day.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Abbey
    You achieved your goal you used the correct structure and language for Persuasive Writing. You are so right home work is important.
    Keep up the good writing Abbey
